Thursday, December 31, 2015


Welcome to Palli88
We are an interdisciplinary group of palliative care in oncology healthcare professionals based out of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. We are made up of palliative care physicians, clinical pharmacists, nurse practitioners, nurses, and clinical psychologists. 
Why the name? Well, Palli8 would have certainly worked. But given our origins in Calgary, the connection to '88 Olympics is there and '88' could be referenced as "double infinity", which does exemplify the infinite passion, compassion and energy of this group to truly make a difference in the lives of patients, family and caregivers.

In addition (and this is admittedly a bit 'out there'), in numerology: "88" has a balanced nature:
"Like a wobbly child's toy, it may appear to be unstable. But 88 never falls over, always maintaining a balance. Additional strengths are the ability to look inward for reliable and accurate answers, an appreciation of quality, and a sense of fairness. 88 is efficient at most things it does. It is analytical and intuitive and frequently looks inward for answers and consults its inner knowingness. The essence of the 88 is analytical and efficient with a balanced nature. It is also introspective, intuitive, and spiritual. Imagine knowing what you want to build, and having the clear intuition and analytical perception to do so efficiently."
Welcome to Palli88. We hope you check back often and stay connected.